
Celebrity Effect

Because of the influence of celebrities, more and more people use celebrity effect to promote their products, and every day we can see a large number of star advertisements on television, newspapers and other media. It is a common phenomenon and we are also used to it!

There are many different factors contributing to this phenomenon. Among all these factors, the huge profits celebrity effect brings play a critical role. Merchants think use those advertisements can make their products become popularized in short time. Moreover, Celebrity endorsements can increase the image of the product and win the trust of consumers. So more and more entertainment celebrities and sports stars are employed as spokesmen for the products.

No doubt, celebrities increase the charm of the products, and celebrities can not only make a lot of money but also have more exposure and popularity. so win-win result in achieved between companies and celebrities. However, it worth noting that some celebrities are not responsible enough. They might become the marketing tool of some dishonest companies.

In general, most of celebrities who participate in advertising or endorsement products are commercial advertisements and the commissions charged are very high, for advertisers, such high cost investment should bring greater profits and more returns, it will inevitably increase the risk for advertiser. for consumers, the high advertising expense make the product price higher than others, consumers need to spend more money to buy the product! so I suggest celebrities improve their responsibilities and make efforts to achieve an all-win of consumers, celebrities and companies.

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